how to set up anysoftkeyboard
AnySoftKeyboard Step 1
On your, Android phone open the play store.
AnySoftKeyboard Step 5
Open settings and click on General management.
AnySoftKeyboard Step 2
Search for and install AnySoftKeyborad.
AnySoftKeyboard Step 6
Click on Language and input.
AnySoftKeyboard Step 3
Follow the on-screen instructions.
AnySoftKeyboard Step 7
Under Default keyboard, it should say AnySoftKeyborad
AnySoftKeyboard Step 4
To set as default keyboard or to check if it’s the default follow the flowing steps
AnySoftKeyboard Step 1
On your, Android phone open the play store.
AnySoftKeyboard Step 2
Search for and install AnySoftKeyborad.
AnySoftKeyboard Step 3
Follow the on-screen instructions.
AnySoftKeyboard Step 4
To set as default keyboard or to check if it’s the default follow the flowing steps
AnySoftKeyboard Step 5
Open settings and click on General management.
AnySoftKeyboard Step 6
Click on Language and input.
AnySoftKeyboard Step 7
Under Default keyboard, it should say AnySoftKeyborad