Providing the tools for a safe
and healthy digital experience
years of protecting
the community
technicians on staff
devices filtered
Founded in 2012,
our mission is twofold:
To raise public awareness about the multifaceted risks associated with the Internet.
To provide cutting-edge dependable filtering solutions for all devices, meticulously tailored to meet the unique requirements of each individual user.

We educate parents and schools about encouraging their children’s and students’ responsible use of technology – without hurting their relationship in the process. We help parents limit their children’s access, and monitor and control their children’s internet use remotely.
We educate students about responsible, safe, and healthy use of technology. We inspire students – and by extension, their parents and their schools – to filter their phones, computers, and various electronic devices so that they can enjoy the benefits of technology without its drawbacks.
We make responsible use of technology a possibility by providing top-of-the-line filtering solutions for all electronic devices,expertly customized to meet individual needs and preferences that adapt well to the rigors of the busy lifestyles of both teenagers and working adults.

Meet our Founder
Rabbi David Churba founded TECH Flatbush (formerly TAG Flatbush) in 2012, in response to urgent need for education, support, and practical resources for safe and healthy technology use in the community. Guided by a devoted rabbinical community board and powered by dedication and purpose, Rabbi Churba works with one goal in mind: to help community members access the powerful tools and benefits of technology, without its pitfalls.
And the results speak for themselves:
Our Story in Numbers
calls fielded
scheduled yearly
hours of remote
support annually
Why support our mission?
“The Internet is a valuable resource. Not all subject matter on the internet is appropriate, and The Flatbush Technology office’s assistance in providing filters for our students and keeping us up to date on filter technology is a good first line of defense.”
“Just like you make sure that the food your children put into their mouth is kosher, you want to make sure that what they read/see/hear is kosher. We need to be proactive, set proper boundaries, and model proper behavior. If this mindset is established when they’re young, it won’t become a battle later. And The Flatbush Technology office set me up for success by giving me the tools to set the right example for my children.”
The Flatbush Technology Office Advantage
So that you can make informed and thoughtful choices about your technology use to ensure a safe digital experience
Technological Know-how
So that you can use every new device with ease of mind, knowing that we have a filter that works for it
Practical Filtering Solutions
So you can use the internet safely and responsibly, with filters that accommodate both personal and professional use
So you can rely on use to provide the help you need, when you need it – with our 10-person staff and remote service options